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About Us

Governance and Administrative Structure


The Santa Clarita Valley SELPA is a multi-district SELPA comprised of five school districts: Castaic Union School District, Newhall School District, Saugus Union School District, Sulphur Springs Union School District, and William S. Hart Union High School District.  These school districts serve over 6,400 students with disabilities from birth to age 22 with a broad range of disabilities.  Services for these students are based on the assessed educational needs of the student and determined by an IEP (Individual Education Plan) team.


The SELPA policy-making body is designated in the Local Plan.   In the Santa Clarita Valley SELPA, this is the Superintendents' Council, which consists of the Superintendents from the five member districts in the SELPA.  The Superintendents' Council makes policy decisions, establishes procedural guidelines, approves the SELPA budget, and determines how special education funds will be allocated and distributed to member districts.


In adopting the Local Plan, each participating Local Education Agency (LEA or School District) agrees to carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned to each agency within the local plan, or which may be delegated at a later date through an agreement of the participating agencies.  The LEAs will ensure equal access to programs and services to eligible persons requiring special education in the service region.  The local plan was designed to be fair and equitable to all agencies to continue the commitment to provide high quality programs for students.


The function of the SELPA and participating agencies is to provide a continuum of quality educational programs and services appropriate to the needs of each eligible student with a disability who resides within the local plan area.  To achieve this, the SELPA assists member districts with program development and coordinates regional programs within the SELPA.  The SELPA provides technical assistance and administrative support to the districts to insure compliance with state and federal requirements.  Additionally, the SELPA provides staff development and training for educators and parents.


Each SELPA must have an Administrative Unit, the legal entity that receives funds.  The William S. Hart Union High School District is the Administrative Unit for the Santa Clarita Valley SELPA.  WSHUSD employs the SELPA staff and houses the SELPA office located at 26320 Spirit Court, Santa Clarita, CA  91350.
