Parent Handbook Sections » Before the IEP Meeting Checklist

Before the IEP Meeting Checklist

When planning for an IEP meeting, the following checklist will help you to prepare:

  • Do I have my student's notebook of records?
  • Have I signed and returned the written notification for this IEP meeting?
  • Did I include the names of others I intend to invite?
  • Do I have our stated goals from the previous IEP meeting?
  • Did I provide accurate records and input about my student's performance at home?
  • Do I know my rights, protections, and Due Process safeguards under IDEA?
  • Have I attended parent-teacher conferences when invited or notified?
  • Have I provided the school with any outside assessment reports that have been provided for my student?
  • Have I followed through with any agreed-upon suggestions for my student?
  • Have I cooperated by completing any releases for the requested information (medical, etc.)?
  • Have I shared updated medical concerns?
  • Have I prepared a list of my student's strengths and abilities?
  • Have I made a list of my student's needs and what I would like to see them learning over the next year?
  • Have I asked for a copy of any written assessment reports before the meeting?
  • Have I provided at least 24-hour notice of my intent to audio record the IEP meeting?
  • Have I invited any people I would like to attend the meeting with me and notified the IEP team of invited guests?