Workshops and Training
SCV SELPA and our partner agencies offer a wealth of training courses and workshop opportunities throughout the year to support the employees of our member school districts. Use the links below to access additional information about each course, including registration information.
Select staff in member districts are trained through Crisis Prevention Institute's NCI Training. Participants learn de-escalation and intervention skills to assist students safely and with dignity. Training is offered as a 1-day or 2-day workshop or a 1/2-day refresher course.
Workshops and training courses offered on a variety of topics for school personnel including Special Education Administrators, Program Specialists, School Psychologists, Speech Language Pathologists, and others working with individuals with exceptional needs.
California Department of Education
Diagnostic Center, Southern California
Providing formal professional development activities on a range of topics for school personnel including teachers, paraeducators, school psychologists, speech language pathologists, service providers, administrators, and others.
The Diagnostic Center also provides a number of on-demand webinars which can be accessed any time by clicking HERE.
CAC Parent Workshops
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a group of parents, educators, and other interested community members who want to make a difference in the education of children in our area. Several times a year, the CAC hosts parent workshops on topics of interest to this group.
Community of Practice (formerly known as Job-Alike)
SCV SELPA invites service providers from our member districts to join their colleagues throughout Santa Clarita Valley for training and discussion to better serve our students.
Key2Ed IEP Facilitation Training
Recognized as the authority on facilitating family and school partnerships, Key2Ed provides training to promote cooperation and collaboration between districts and families.
Other Training/Workshops

C.A.P.T.A.I.N (California Autism Professionals Training and Information Network)

SELPA Administrators throughout the state provide support in sharing best practices in student programs, providing legal updates and state updates, and plan events and trainings that will promote student and staff success.